Once there, the kids truly loved it, Leslie even told Kristin that "This is the BEST day of my life!" Peter Pan and the Princesses were big hits with all.
In the midst of this, Kenna was still potty training. Being that she is stubborn, much her mother and I, this was huge that she was actually committing to it. During this trip, she had no accidents! When Kristin told her how proud we were of her- Kenna responded with, "Welcome to my world!"
Today we helped out with Big Event, which is a service project A&M does around town. This was the second year our church, the Gate helped out, and we brought the kids again this year. We really believe that they need to learn to be servants, and besides they love raking leaves (mainly so they can jump in the piles, but still.)
So we have had a busy week here, and today Kenna gets her halfway-there potty prize. Ah, the joys of parenthood.